Due Diligence
Algotronix regularly carries out technical due diligence engagements for Venture Capitalists on fabless semiconductor and semiconductor intellectual property companies. Technical due diligence complements financial and legal diligence by addressing the following critical issues basd on in-depth knowledge of the technology and industry segment:
Feasibility - what is the technical risk of the proposed business
Opportunity - is the technology valuable and superior to alternative offerings and is the revenue model in the plan reasonable
Funding Requirement - are the costs predicted in the business plan reasonable and is the funding sufficient
Valuation - is the company's valuation reasonable compared with that achieved by similar organisations and the expected profits and revenues
Unlike the generic services offered by larger consulting companies Algotronix provides a cost effective and focussed due-diligence service within a small number of fields in which our consultants have extensive experience of both the technology and the market. Our due diligence services are provided by recognised experts and the entire project is carried out by the lead consultant rather than being delegated to less experienced staff.
Unlike academics or retired executives due diligence is a full-time business for Algotronix and we are used to responding very quickly and professionally to customer requests.